I am Sharon Baldew. I am every inch an HR person and coach. I constantly keep abreast of developments on the job market and in the areas of my expertise. I have always been interested in what drives people in their lives. How do they deal with change? How do they gain insight into their (family) patterns and how do they deal with them? How do they deal with their own development?
My Motto
My motto is “practice what you preach.” I keep reflecting on my own behaviour and patterns and invest in my personal and career development. Also, I am always looking at where I can make a contribution for myself and others.
I am someone with a drive, with spirit and enthusiasm. I have a beautiful daughter, Zoe. I love cooking and good food. Going out to dinner with family or friends is a great way for me to stay in touch. I have a broad interest. The fact that I keep developing is very important to me. I also like music, writing, painting, travelling, dancing, meditation, yoga and walking.
Background and training
- Co-Active Coaching Fundamentals, Schouten en Nielsen
- Bachelor degree in Human Resource Management
- Noloc Certified Career Coach, keeping my knowledge up to date, for example by following professional days
- Energy Therapist/Life Coach Certified Training at Sonnevelt Opleidingen
- Medical Basics course at Sonnevelt Opleidingen
- Various courses at Touch of Matrix. Body and system reset. See https://www.touchofmatrix.nl/ for more information.
- Access Bars Training, Access Foundation. Healing techniques of various body processes by Access Consciousness. See https://www.accessconsciousness.com for an explanation of the techniques.
- Certified Family Constellations Coach, Structural Constellations and Systemic Coaching
- Courses for personal development, coaching and meaning, including a Mindfulness course
- Workshop drawing for business