
Quality is important when facilitating people in their personal career development. I am a member of the Noloc Association of Career Advisors and I am a Certified Career Advisor/Coach. I keep training regularly and have followed numerous training courses in the field of coaching, career guidance and family constellations. Every year I take a course or training programme that is related to the services I offer and to keep my knowledge up to date.
If your organization has employees who are (going) in a burn-out or need coaching with regard to work-life balance or need to be guided to another job, you can contact us for (career) coaching programmes. Also, if you want to work on yourself privately, you can join a (career) coaching programme with us. Reasons for doing this may be that you are no longer challenged in your job, you want to start another job for become self-employed. Or you may be struggling with your work-life balance, or may be experiencing patterns or blockages that you can’t get out of, or looking for more purpose in your life.
Private individuals
- Are you happy with your life right now, or could things be better in certain areas, or do you want or need to find another job?
- Do you suffer from fatigue, emotional/physical blockages?
- Are you out of balance, finding it hard to pinpoint things in your life that are not going well?
Coaching is about tools that you can use yourself, allowing you to create awareness so as to have more balance in your life and be able to change or improve things. This can involve several different areas.
You can contact me for all of the above. During an intake, we can look together at what is appropriate and what it is you need right now. This could be career coaching, (life)coaching, systemic coaching, energy therapy, a family constellation, or a combination of various techniques.